Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus
University of Texas Humanities Institute
To circulate and create an archive of poetry that feels timely in the time of coronavirus, no matter when it was written.
Pauline Strong, PhD
Organizer/ Contact
Principal Investigator / Contact
The humanities create connection and community, which are more important than ever at a time of distancing, isolation, and quarantine. Over the past several weeks, the University of Texas Humanities Institute has been using its Health Humanities mailing list to send out a different poem every day or two that we feel speaks to shared, but also individual, experiences in the time of the novel coronavirus. The initiative’s title, Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus, pays homage to the Columbian Nobel prize-winning novelist Gabríel Garcia Márquez’s great novel Love in the Time of Cholera. We are also archiving the poems on the Humanities Institute’s blog, Thinking in Community. This initiative is crowd-sourced but also curated. Please send poetry suggestions to [email protected]. (But please also understand that we will add them to the collection slowly and as space permits.) More information available at: Thinking in Community: https://sites.utexas.edu/humanitiesinstitute/
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