Health Humanities Initiative
Arizona State University
Developing research capacity, bringing humanities programming to the clinic, and training residents in focused humanities electives. Collaborators: Center for Huamnities in Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.
Cora Fox, PhD
Fella Benabed, PhD
Sarah O’Dell, MA
The Health Humanities Initiative of the Institute for Humanities Research, in its sixth year, continues to develop research capacity in this interdisciplinary area. This year the initiative supported or co-sponsored visits from Lennard Davis (“How Poverty and Disability Look: Who Gets to Say?,” a public lecture at the ASU Downtown campus, and “The Future of Disability Studies,” an informal discussion with interested faculty, students, staff and activists at the IHR), Alondra Nelson (“Reconciliation Projects: The Racial Politics of Genetic Ancestry Testing,” the annual IHR Distinguished Lecture), and Anthony Hatch (“Overdose: Institutional Addiction in the US Custodial State,” the Fellows Symposium keynote lecture). The focus of the IHR annual fellows seminar was “health.” The Health Humanities Initiative also continued its ongoing collaboration with the Center for Humanities in Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, bringing humanities programming to the clinic and working on focused elective humanities training with residents.
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