Community Commons is a place to discuss topics and post documents and references relating broadly to medical humanities.
Organizer/ Contact
Abigail Neely, PhD
Mark Williams, PhD
Sarah Greene, MS
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Report on 2020 Network Annual Meeting
The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network met virtually on May 19th, 2020, to discuss current projects and the most pressing problems for the humanities raised by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Virtual Network Meeting: May 19, 2020
The annual CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, May 19th. Since we hope to accommodate as many time zones among Network members as possible, the meeting will take place from 12:00-2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time.
CFP: Summer Institute 2020: Space, Place and Design
The objective of this CHCI Summer Institute is to investigate how space, place, and design might interplay with individualized and compassionate health care. Space, along with its less abstract and more social corollary, place, are critical terms in the formal study of literature; meanwhile, the architectural concept design has newly entered a broader disciplinary lexicon to simultaneously suggest method, process and form. We want to consider the role that space, place and design play in health care and aesthetics.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 7 Jul 2021
Synapsis Special Issue: On Police, Prison, and Plagues
Special issue curated by Max Mishler (University of Toronto).
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 1 Jul 2021
Summer Institute 2021: Asynchronous Resources
Please enjoy the asynchronous resources provided by our host institution, the University of Southern Denmark! These include keynote presentations and publications associated with the conference.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 17 Mar 2021
New Medical Humanities Major Combines Health and Culture
When medical humanities was introduced as an academic track almost nine years ago in 2012, its founding director, Dr. Rishi Goyal PS’01, GSAS’10, couldn’t have imagined it would one day become a full major in the midst of a global pandemic.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 12 Jan 2021
Julio Frenk-Delivering Equity Through the Public Health System-Jan21
January 21, 2021, 11:30 AM ET Columbia Mailman School of Public Health: The Dean's Grand Rounds on the Future of Public Health. Featuring: Harvey V. Fineberg, MD, PhD, President of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Julio Frenk, MD, MPH, PhD, President, Professor of Public Health Sciences, Health Sector Management and Policy, and Sociology, University of Miami -- Winners of the Frank A. Calderone Prize in Public Health. Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH (moderator) Dean, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 10 Nov 2020
Humanities in the Emergency Room-Dec 7
For the final Health Humanities Research Seminar of 2020, the University of Texas at Austin Humanities Institute is pleased to welcome Rishi Goyal, M.D., PhD, Director of the Medicine, Literature, and Society Program and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. His most recent research explores the political, aesthetic, and social dimensions of the representation of physical trauma in literature. Dr. Goyal’s HHRS presentation, “Humanities in the Emergency Room," will take place at 4pm on December 7. The presentation is inspired by his experiences as an ER physician in New York City during the COVID pandemic. To RSVP for this event, visit https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBnyWXd0OZmtV77.
Document (pdf) uploaded by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 12 Oct 2020
Virtual Conference-L'indiscipline des humanités médicales-Nov 26-27
Quelle place les humanités occupent-elles actuellement dans l’enseignement des métiers du soin, en France et à l’étranger ? Quelles fonctions et quels usages les soignants peuvent-ils tirer des humanités dans leurs pratiques auprès des patients ? Ce colloque tâchera de donner une visibilité à quelques propositions innovantes mises en place en Europe et en Amérique du nord tant dans les pratiques médicales que sur le plan de la formation initiale et continue. Notre attention se portera plus particulièrement sur deux enseignements qui ont rejoint les humanités médicales depuis peu en France : la méditation (MBSR – Jon Kabat Zinn, MIT) et la médecine narrative (Rita Charon, Columbia University). Il s’agira donc de partir des pratiques et des travaux de recherche, pour explorer les propositions d’enseignements. Le Groupe Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine mécène du colloque Avec le soutien de la Fondation Anthony Mainguené
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 21 Sep 2020
Covid-19: Reframing Ageing
Report on the Interdisciplinary Webinar, University College Dublin, 12 June 2020. // Our webinar asked: What biases has Covid-19 revealed in public discourse and political rhetoric? Is the widespread policy of “protecting” a particular group by means of chronological age a necessary defense against a virus with highly age-sensitive impacts, or a disturbing reframing of older people in society? Is the language used to identify particular cohorts of the population appropriate? Is it consistent with a normative discrimination that typically frames (and writes off) people in this age-group as “elderly”? What can governments, policy-makers, and wider society learn from this situation? Four panels discussed these issues from interdisciplinary perspectives, straddling gerontology, sociology, gender studies, history, art practice, and literary studies.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 9 Sep 2020
Plagues, Epidemics, and Culture: Histories of Crisis and Care
Sept. 14 and 23, 2020 // Hosted by Institute for Humanities Research // In this series, invited humanities scholars discuss their research in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis. These talks will address how we might draw lessons and envision equitable futures of care for our own local and global communities. Upcoming talks include "Disease, Colonialism and Genocide in American Indian History," with Jeffrey Ostler (Sept 14) and "Medicalizing Blackness: Lessons from the 18th-century American Atlantic," with Rana Hogarth (Sept 23). These online events are free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 8 Sep 2020
Sept 11: "Home, Hospital, Birth Center? A Critical Appraisal"
A Critical Appraisal of Birth Settings in the U.S. // September 11, 2020, 2:00 PM // As hospital births became the norm over the course of the 20th Century, the percentage of women giving birth at home took a nosedive. In the past few decades, however, home births have started regaining popularity among women who fear the impersonality of the hospital setting. Join OB/GYN Dr. Andrei Rebarber and Certified Nurse Midwife Cara Muhlhahn for an illuminating discussion on the landscape of birth settings in the U.S., how our model compares to other countries, and how we can increase collaboration between hospitals and midwives to provide safer birth experiences. This event is being organized by Saving Mothers, an NYC-based 501(3)(c) dedicated to improving the reproductive and maternal health of women worldwide. Tickets are free, but please register in advance: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zZaQ-1NVRUif5NxIEj-D2g.
Link added by Arden Hegele to Community Commons | 26 Aug 2020
Dr. Damon Tweedy: Reflections on Race and Medicine in the Year of COVID-19 and Nationwide Protests - Sept 1
Health Humanities Grand Rounds with Dr. Damon Tweedy: Reflections on Race and Medicine in the Year of COVID-19 and Nationwide Protests. September 1 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. // The COVID-19 pandemic has shined an ugly light on the longstanding racial and ethnic health disparities that persist in our country. Coupled with the televised murder of George Floyd, these events have sparked a renewed racial reckoning in America. In his talk, Dr. Tweedy will explore the dilemma of race within the medical school and hospital setting, highlighting the challenges faced by black patients and black doctors while reviewing recent developments and reforms in the field. // Presenter: Damon Tweedy, MD, associate professor of psychiatry at Duke University School of Medicine and staff physician at the Durham Veteran Affairs Health System, author of “Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine” (2015). Registration required. Sponsored by Health and Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Venue for Exploration (HHIVE) Lab, Carolina Seminars and Countering Hate. Contact [email protected] for more information.