CHCI Medical Humanities Institute (Dartmouth)
Dartmouth College
July 12-14, 2015, Dartmouth University. Gathered scholars and practitioners in medical humanities to discuss research being done under this rubric in a number of disciplines.
Brian Hurwitz, MD
Deborah Jenson, PhD
Gordon Mathews, PhD
Jordynn Jack, PhD
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2015 Dartmouth Summer Institute Summary
Speakers and topics covered in the summer institute are listed here. Jonathan Metzl (Vanderbilt University) delivered a keynote lecture entitled “The Politics of Health: Building an Interdisciplinary Pre-Health Curriculum Around the Complex Meanings of Health and Illness.” Brian Hurwitz (MD/PhD King’s College London) delivered the second keynote lecture, "Can an Essay Transform a Medical Field?"
Link added by SOF-Heyman Center to CHCI Medical Humanities Institute (Dartmouth) | 30 Mar 2016
Taylor, Janelle S., S.M. DeMers, E.K. Vig, and S. Borson. The disappearing subject: Exclusion of people with cognitive impairment and dementia from geriatrics research. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2012; 60:413–419. (pdf 127KB)
Link added by SOF-Heyman Center to CHCI Medical Humanities Institute (Dartmouth) | 30 Mar 2016
Roberts, Hannah J., Halpin-Healy, C., McGinnis, R., and Noble, J.M. 2015. Museum-based creative arts programming is associated with less dementia patient apathy and better caregiver well-being. Poster (pdf).
Link added by SOF-Heyman Center to CHCI Medical Humanities Institute (Dartmouth) | 30 Mar 2016
McLean, Athena H. “Coherence without facticity in dementia: The case of Mrs. Fine,” in Thinking About Dementia: Culture, Loss, and the Anthropology of Senility, ed. A. Leibing and L. Cohen, pp. 158-178. 2006; Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Link added by SOF-Heyman Center to CHCI Medical Humanities Institute (Dartmouth) | 30 Mar 2016